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UNIT 1-Role of surface mining in mineral production in India, Elements of surface mine planning-height, width, slope, Overall and ultimate pit slopes, Stripping Ratios and Cut off grade.
OPENINGS UP OF DEPOSITS-Different system of openings of deposits, Site preparation, Box cut, Formation of benches, Haul roads.

Along with 48.83% arable land India has significant sources of coal (fourth-largest reserves in the world), bauxite, tiranium ore, chromite, natural gas, petroleum and limestone.According to the 2008 Ministry of Mines estimates: 'India has stepped up its production to reach the second rank among the chromite producers of the world. Besides, India ranks 3rd in production of coal & Lignite, 4th in iron ore, 5th in bauxite, 7th in manganese ore and 8th in aluminium.
Indian mines majorly accounts the future prospective of surface mining.

With this vast knowledge of surface mining students can perform well in their semester examinations.

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