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Showing posts from May, 2018

Mineral Economics

Mineral Economics UNIT-1:-Introduction Uniqueness and economic importance of mineral industry; Concept & classification of mineral resource; Geographical distribution of important Mineral deposits and mining fields in India; National mineral policy, Computation of Reserves Students can download unit 1 PDF from here. UNIT-2:-Mine Sampling Definition, purpose and scope; Size of sample; Classes of sample; Methods of sampling; Errors in sampling; Salting; Safeguards against salting. Students can download unit 2 PDF from here. UNIT-3:-Valuation of Mineral Property Examination and valuation of mines/mineral properties; Time value of money; Present value & its computation; Life of a mine; Concepts of redemption of capital, depreciation; Preparation of valuation reports. Students can download unit 3 PDF from here. UNIT-4:-Conservation of Mineral Resource Scope and limitations; Losses of minerals in mining; Dilution and recovery

Mine Management

Mine Management “Focus on a few key objectives … I only have three things to do. I have to choose the right people, allocate the right number of rupees, and transmit ideas from one division to another with the speed of light. So I’m really in the business of being the gatekeeper and the transmitter of ideas.”  UNIT-1:-Introduction Evolution of modern management theory and practice; Principles of scientific management; Elements of management functions – planning, organisation and control; Systems and contingency approach to management; Structure and design of organisation for mining enterprises; Introduction to essential features of M.I.S. (Management Information System). UNIT-2:-Personnel Management Manpower planning and recruitment, selection, training and development of human resource; Performance appraisal and merit rating; Motivation & Incentive; Leadership; Absenteeism; Organisation development. UNIT-3:-Production Management Production forecasting

Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems:- Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing. UNIT-1:-Introduction- MIS and its relational in modern age business functions, increasing importance of information technology, components of MIS, characteristics of MIS, Functions of MIS. Information- Data & Information, types of information systems, capturing of information. Systems concept- Definations, types of systems, terminology, Synergy and systems approach. UNIT-2:-Decision making- Purpose, Models of decision making, Decision Making process and levels of Programmability, Decision under Certainty, Risk and uncertainty Systems Development and Analysis- Systems Development Cycle, System Analysis, System Design & Prototyping. UNIT-3:-Information Systems planning- Planning and it's significance, Approaches to planning. IS Planning- Prerequisites, Planning technology, Stage Model of IS Planning. Electronic Commerce or e-commerce