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Showing posts from February, 2018


Mine Planning-  UNIT 1- INTRODUCTION- Principles of planning, Features of mine planning, new, reconstruction, Short & Long range planning, feasibility report, Geological reports & detailed project report. students can download this unit PDF file from here. UNIT 3- UNDERGROUND MINE PLANNING- Mine planning components and steps, Fixing mine boundary, Size of the mine, Reserve estimation, Panel system of mining & production planning. Students can download this unit PDF file from here. UNIT 4- INFRASTRUCTURAL PLANNING- CHP, Workshop, Power, Water requirement and communications in the mines. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING-Choice of men, material and material handling systems. Students can download this unit PDF file from here. UNIT 5- DRAINAGE PLANNING- Estimation of make of water, Design of sumps, Selection of pumps and Pumping capacity. MANPOWER PLANNING. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. PLANNING FOR MINE CLOSURE AND POST MINING LAND USE. Stu

Ground Control in Mines

Ground Control in Mines ( UNIT -2 ) Stresses around underground openings- Types of Openings, Stresses around openings using classical closed-form solutions, Design considerations in selection of openings, Numerical analysis methods- Finite Element Method(FEM), Boundary Element Method (BEM) & Hybrid Methods. Pillar Design- Estimating average pillar pressure by Tributary Area Method & its criticism, Factors affecting pillars strength, various formulae for determination of pillar strength, Factor of safety, Steps in design of pillars. Download this unit PDF from here. ( UNIT -3 ) Rockbursts- Caving characteristics of roof rocks, Types and Phenomenology of rock bursts, Factors affecting rock bursts, prediction of rock bursts, Monitoring-Methods & Instrumentation, Prevention & control of rock bursts, Bumps and Gas Outbursts. Overburden Movement & Abutment pressure in Longwall Mining. Download this unit PDF from here. ( UNIT -4 ) SUBSIDE

Clean Coal Technology

Clean Coal Technology The term Clean coal technology means any technology deployed at a new or existing facility which will achieve significant reduction in air emissions of sulfur dioxide or oxides of nitrogen associated with the utilization of coal in the generation of electricity. Indian systems and technologies adopted are ancient times and case studies acquired that time but now the changing requirements of our nation is basically dropped from 40j/kg to 27.8j/kg over past 50 years. Nowadays Indian policies are changing to the environmental responsibilities. UNIT-1:- Life cycle of Coal, Coal characterization, Classification System of Coal, Rank and Grade of coal, C-H Graph Form this blog students can download unit 1 from here . UNIT-2:-Coal beneficiation--Feed grade dry and wet coal beneficatiben techniques, chemical and biological methods of coal cleaning, coal washing--Objectives and techniques; washability curves. Students can download unit 2 from